Research and development

Innovative products

Export support

CZECHIMPLANT, z.s. was founded at the end of 2016 as the first medical cluster in the Czech Republic with a focus on implantology. The cluster was formed in an effort to provide a functional platform that unites leading domestic manufacturers, universities, and physicians in a combined effort to further develop the field of implantology. The fundamental mission of the CZECHIMPLANT, z.s. cluster is to encourage the development of implantology in the Czech Republic and provide optimal conditions for cluster member collaboration. Cooperation among cluster members is primarily realized via research, development, and the implementation of developmental results into clinical practice. Additional cluster activities include finding suitable means to support member activities, such as: grant programs for joint research and development; economic diplomacy projects to support member companies in penetrating new markets; support for cluster marketing activities; and developing international collaboration, including cooperation with foreign cluster organizations, programs with a regional nature, and more.